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Lyrics English


Now they can make things worse for me
Sometimes I'd rather die
They can tell me lots of things
But I don't see eye to eye

Well, I know they know the way I think
I know they always will
But someday I'm gonna change my mind
Sometimes I'd rather kill

Bloodstains, speed kills
Fast cars, cheap thrills
Rich girls, fine wine
I've lost my sense, I've lost control, I've lost my mind

Well, things seem so much different now
The [Incomprehensible] died away
I haven't got a steady job
And I've still got no place to stay

It's a futuristic modern world
But things aren't what they seem
Someday you'd better wake up
From this stupid fantasy

No more bloodstains, speed kills
Fast cars, cheap thrills
Rich girls, fine wine
I've lost my sense, I've lost control, I've lost my mind

Come on
Bloodstains, speed kills
Fast cars, cheap thrills
Rich girls, fine wine
I've lost my sense, I've lost control, I've lost my mind

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